Beginning Again

I’ve been away for so long. So long that it’s difficult to begin again. So this is me getting started in the only way I know how.

Nearly four months ago I was diagnosed with a gene mutation that prevents me from breaking down certain synthetic B vitamins. This left me very deficient and it was much more complicated than just taking a few supplements to get better. I’m just now starting to get my life back from that and I realize now that the issue had gone on for years.

When I quit writing it was because I was burned out. I’m a passionate person and I don’t like to do things halfway. It’s just part of my personality, but after I had recovered from burnout I still couldn’t write and didn’t know why. I imagine myself sharing more about all this in a later post but for now I just wanted to say that I feel like God is telling me to get back to writing.

I have fears that I won’t be able to write as well as I once had due to short-term memory loss from the deficiency and from simply being away from it so long, but I really feel like God is calling me to write, and if that’s the case I know He’ll help me to do it. So this is me starting over. I have no idea what to write about, but God is faithful to give me what I need as I need it so until then I’m just going to show up for work each morning and wait patiently, probably with this blog. I’m not actively looking for more people to read this blog, it’s more for me, but I do hope that something I say here will be a blessing and a help to someone else. So if you’re willing to listen to me ramble (I already ramble a little each morning in the Christian Book Finds newsletter) I just want to say thank you for listening and following along.


Tattie Maggard is the author of several Christian fiction novels, novellas, and short stories. She also runs a deals-type blog for Christian Kindle books at and maintains more blogs than she can keep up with. She loves homeschooling her daughter, reading nutrition articles, and singing in church with her ukulele. She hates spiders, appointments that force her to leave the house, and all things social media.

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